Folk remedies for worms in adults

Helminthiasis is a dangerous health condition characterized by the accumulation of a large number of helminths of different species. Worms release a large amount of toxic substances into the body, which eventually leads to the appearance of disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. Treatment of helminthiasis can be carried out with traditional remedies and folk remedies. The former can not always be used in the example of a particular patient, as he may have a large number of contraindications to their admission. In this case, the best example of therapy would be the prescription of home remedies according to proven prescriptions.

folk remedies for worms

Symptoms of the appearance of worms in adult patients

Among the characteristic symptoms of the disease, the following are distinguished:

  • the appearance of severe pain in the stomach and lower abdomen, while gas formation may increase;
  • after eating, the patient may complain of abdominal discomfort, which may be caused by increased helminth activity after ingestion of nutrients;
  • defecation becomes rare or constipation is diagnosed;
  • in the morning and at night, there is severe anal itching, irritation may appear in this area;
  • against the background of the accumulation of toxic substances, the appetite may disappear completely;
  • sometimes the patient, on the contrary, suffers from severe hunger, constantly wants to eat, but even against the background of a large consumption of food, his body weight decreases;
  • In addition, disorders of memory and concentration are observed, apathy, fatigue and nervousness appear.

Careful! In many cases, such disorders can also be caused by intestinal disorders and problems due to reduced immunity. But it will not be superfluous to undergo a laboratory examination to confirm or deny a dangerous diagnosis.

Black clove for the treatment of worms in adults

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, the use of cloves, used in cooking, is required. To begin, it is pre-minced into a powder; it is better to do this in a coffee grinder. Therapy involves taking spices immediately after meals three times a day. On the first day, you should take half a gram of cloves for each dose. On the second day, a single dose is increased to 1 g; from the second day, 1, 5 g of powder should be taken at a time. You should no longer increase the prescribed amount of the substance. Therapy to eliminate helminthiasis with cloves lasts 10 days.

spices for removing worms

Careful! In some cases, there is a clear intolerance to cloves, due to which the patient may experience swelling of the oral cavity. Also, for better assimilation of the product, it is recommended to drink the powder with a small amount of clean water.

Coriander against worms in adult patients

In some recipes to eliminate contamination, it is recommended to simply add this spice to food, coriander salads are especially helpful. But to get rid of worms quickly and effectively, it is better to use a more powerful recipe. It provides pre-calcination of seeds in a dry pan for no more than one minute. After that, the cooled spice is ground in a coffee grinder and taken 1 g after each meal or during it. Do not take more than three grams of active substance per day. The treatment lasts 9-14 days. Usually 10 days are enough.

ground coriander for parasites

Careful! If it is difficult to get dried coriander, you can also drink it with a little water. If that doesn’t work, it’s best to switch to a therapy regimen that uses coriander as the spice for the main course. Best with green vegetables.

Herbal medicine against worm poisoning

Plants are considered one of the most effective tools to combat helminthiasis pathogens. They can be used to treat those patients who are infected with certain types of parasites. For treatment take wormwood, part of tansy flowers, spicy cloves, fresh mint, knots, dandelion rhizome, thyme and valerian. All ingredients are taken in a ratio of 3: 1: 3: 1: 2: 2: 2: 0, 5, respectively. For a mass it is better to take a tablespoon without a slip.

herb for removing worms

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed. After that, two tablespoons of the mixture is poured with 500 ml of boiling water, it is better to take the water that has already stood for 5 minutes after boiling. It is important to keep the herbs in a thermos for 45 minutes. After insisting, the collection is filtered and taken in equal parts throughout the day. Treatment can be continued for 10 days.

Careful! Due to the large number of plants, it is worth making sure that they are well tolerated. At the same time, an adverse reaction is not specifically ruled out for the particular aggregation combination. A rapid-acting antihistamine is required to rule out dangerous consequences and prompt treatment, if necessary.

Onion infusion against helminthiasis

The strength of this treatment method is the possibility of using it alone. For treatment you will need to take an average onion, it should weigh about 100-120 gr. After that, it should be rinsed well and finely chopped.

onion to remove parasites

The onion mass is placed in a glass beaker and poured 200 ml of water, it should be about 70-80 degrees. The mixture is injected overnight, but not less than 8 hours. After that, all the onion pulp particles are filtered. Drinking the solution completely is required 30 minutes before breakfast. If the patient's condition does not improve within 7 days, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Careful! You can use garlic in the same way. 2-3 cloves of garlic are also boiled overnight in the same amount of water. Drinking concentrate is required only once. Repeated treatment can be performed no earlier than 7 days after the procedure.

Dandelion and burdock against helminthiasis in adults

To prepare the medicine in equal proportions, a mixture of crushed dandelion and burdock dandelion roots is required. A tablespoon of raw material is boiled in 200 ml of boiling water for 5-7 minutes. No need to insist soup, it can be filtered immediately and drunk completely after breakfast or dinner. For a more pleasant taste, it is also allowed to pre-fry the roots in an oil-free pan until the ingredients turn brown. The duration of treatment is not more than 5 days.

Water with honey against worms

It is strictly forbidden to prepare such a medicine in advance, as after half an hour peroxide will begin to accumulate in it, which reduces the effectiveness of treatment. To prepare the medicine, you will need to take 200 ml of warm water at 40-60 degrees and dissolve in it a teaspoon of only natural honey. The drug is taken in the morning before breakfast and in the evening one hour before going to bed. The treatment lasts for 14 days.

Careful! When using honey, you do not need to be afraid of edema because of drinking too much fluid before bed. The honey component relieves stress on the kidneys, which ultimately improves their function and helps to get rid of excess water in the body.

Oat infusion against helminths

To prepare the product, you will need to get not the flakes, but the grains themselves. They are thoroughly washed beforehand, after which they are dried on a paper towel so that all the liquid escapes. It is important that the oats are dry, the outcome of the treatment depends on it. The product is then ground into a powder in a coffee grinder.

oats from parasites

For one procedure, take 2 tablespoons of powder, which you need to pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist for four hours in a thermos or under a tight lid. It is required to take 100 ml of oat infusion one hour before meals three times a day. The treatment can be continued for 14 days, while in addition it will enable the regulation of the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the removal of harmful substances from the body.

Apple cider vinegar for helminthiasis in adults

When you use this method, you can get rid of not only one type of worm infection but also several types of parasites. For the treatment of 200 ml of warm water, it should be boiled, you should take 5 ml of apple cider vinegar. It is recommended to drink such a solution after breakfast and dinner. The recommended course of treatment can not be more than 10 days. It is also recommended to combine vinegar solutions at the same time as taking the onion or garlic solution. This combination increases the therapeutic effect by two to three times.

apple cider vinegar for worms

Snake Highlander for worms and intestinal disorders

This folk remedy is excellent for those situations where parasitic infection is accompanied by severe diarrhea. To prepare the drug, you need to take 2 g of mountain snake, combine it with two tablespoons of Potentilla, take the root part. For best effect, this mixture also requires the addition of two tablespoons of the plantain part, it should be dried. After that, all the ingredients are mixed well and a tablespoon is poured with 0, 2 liters of boiling water. The collection is kept under cover for half an hour. The drug is taken 50 ml up to 4 times a day. It is best to do this 40-60 minutes before eating. Therapy continues until the elimination of diarrhea symptoms, but not more than 10 days.

Careful! When using medications from a pharmacy aimed at suppressing diarrhea, it is best to reduce the decoction dose by half. This will prevent the development of the opposite effect in the form of severe constipation.

What can be combined with folk remedies

Folk remedies can be combined with pharmaceutical preparations, which will be prescribed by a specialist.

Careful! Such combinations are well tolerated by patients, as there are no substances in pharmacy products used in home prescriptions. But at the same time, individual reactions of the body accompanied by increased sensitivity can not be ruled out.

At the first signs of helminthiasis, if possible, a blood or fecal test should be done to identify the pathogen. A blood test is more accurate, as it allows you to immediately determine the type of helminths and the degree of infection of the patient. If the appointment of folk remedies did not give a noticeable result and the general state of health of the patient begins to deteriorate significantly, it is better to consult a therapist and choose a better and safer pharmacy drug. If necessary, home remedies can be combined with traditional ones, which will only speed up recovery.